Première: RIKA Premium Partner Event 2019
On 4 and 5 April 2019, at the production facility in Adlwang, the first RIKA Premium Partner Event was held exclusively for the most successful RIKA dealers.
Just under 200 invited guests from a total of 8 nations celebrated their sales successes across culinary delights, fiery cocktails, music, and stimulating conversations. As a “surprise guest”, the DOMO BACK generated a great deal of interest, and the new video advertisements for RIKA VOICE and the tiled stove pellet insert were presented for the first time. A range of special entertainment was on hand: caricaturist Martin Fitz immortalised our top dealers with humour and style, and world vice-champion in flair bartending Stefan Haneder got our guests’ adrenaline pumping with his breathtaking fire show. The festive event was followed the next day by tours of the Aldwang production facility, and the sheet metal workshop of RIKA Blechkomponenten GmbH at the newly occupied facility in Micheldorf. Our guests finally departed, taking with them many impressions of Industry 4.0, and with assorted goodies in their luggage. We would like to once again thank all our dealers for their commitment on behalf of RIKA over the last year, and for the great turnout – We are already looking forward to the RIKA Premium Partner Event!